Joy-chaser (noun): An individual who lives a life of JOY. An individual who embodies joie-de-vivre, the exuberant enjoyment of life. Happiness, in human form. What/ who I strive to be!

I have always wondered, what makes someone live so joyfully? What are their secrets to a joie-filled life? Does traveling or celebrating add to their joie-de-vivre, and if so why? How do their relationships or service play into it? What is it about their life that is most enjoyable, meaningful, satisfying? Through this series on the blog, I’ll be interviewing incredible joy-chasers to highlight what makes them live fully.

Elizabeth “Boo” McGough is the ultimate joy-chaser… So it is only appropriate for the first post of my joy-chaser series to feature my grandmother, Boo! Keep reading to learn her many secrets and tips for a joy-filled life. I had no idea that she was a wedding crasher ;).

But first, a little about Boo—

She was born in 1927 in the middle of a Mississippi flood, the third of four kids. After cheerleading throughout high school, she tells me she “played” all through college at UMiss, majoring in Psychology and Sociology. When she graduated, she earned her Master’s degree in Education and was a teacher for a number of years, including for over 19 years in underserved communities. She was married to the love of her life, Mac, for 39.5 years, with whom she had four children, and she retired at age 60.  She has spent her retirement traveling the world, volunteering in a shelter and for her church in New Orleans, and spreading her joy to her loving, growing family, myself included. She was an active partier at my Bachelorette and danced all night at my wedding in Italy at age 91. Keep reading to hear some of her secrets to joie-filled living!

You are the inaugural joy-chaser highlighted on my website because I think that you live a life of joy and joie-de-vivre. What is your secret for living with so much spirit? It doesn’t take anything to make me happy. I’m just happy. One secret though is that I’ve been doing water aerobics ever since I can remember. I know it lifts my spirits; it has kept everything feeling so good. I used to do it an hour a day in my heated pool with the men in speedos. Not me in speedos, though! Another secret to joy is a good marriage. I felt like I married the king of the world. I just felt like I was the luckiest thing that ever lived.

Exercise and a good marriage, two great tips. I’m curious, Boo—I know you’re 96, but what age do you feel? Oh, let me think. Maybe 21.

Do you really feel 21? Oh ya. I don’t have an ache or pain, nothin’! My mother said that I’ve never even had a toothache.

I feel like you’ve always been like this. I have.

Tell me about your experience growing up. What experiences or people do you think shaped your joyful spirit? Well, I grew up in a small Southern town, with a family of four children and I was the middle one. I’m loosey-goosey. Not in control. They say when I was playing a game I’d say I would be second because I knew I wasn’t going to be first.  My daddy was the best salesman I’ve ever known– he sold everything. And there wasn’t anybody that he didn’t love. He just loved all people. I learned from him, and I love all people, I think they are all God’s creatures.

Tell me a little bit more about your faith. I see everything as a gift of God. Instead of “I was displaced in Hurricane Katrina” it was “oh I didn’t lose a thing”. That’s what Ecclesiastes is about, gifts of God. Friends are gifts of God. Families are gifts of God. Old age is a gift of God. Work is a gift of God. Play is a gift of God.

Perhaps you saw your volunteer work as a gift of God, too. Absolutely. One of the grandest things I ever did was volunteer in a homeless shelter. It was my job for 15 years, and I handed out bus tokens. We fed lunch and coffee and gave out clothes once a week. I got to know everyone really well; their families, and what the children wanted for Christmas. I did this until I had to give up my car. This did sustain my joy. I was able to really help.

I feel like you are always open to learning about people or experiences. A lot of people are content in their own bubble, but you like to branch out and get to know others. That’s what drives longevity. I also read the NYTimes every morning. Then in the Sunday paper there is a quiz to see if you paid attention. Sometimes I cheat. I get the answers and check just to be sure that I know them. I’m not that sharp!

You’re always so curious about the world! Yeah maybe. I like to snoop! I don’t want to miss anything that’s really important. I want to know about the world. I want to know about other people. That’s one of the reasons I love to travel.

Travel! It has been a huge part of your life. Tell me more about why you love traveling so much.  I think I’m just so curious. I love all the art. All the museums. And I went to the weddings because I like the people. I love to get into a culture and even into a house in a place to see how other people live.

Went to “the weddings”? Oh yeah, in Egypt! There was a wedding in the hotel I was staying in. I had to go watch!

So you went to the wedding? I always go to weddings if I’m somewhere and they have one! I went to the fanciest wedding I’ve ever been to in Monte Carlo. I went to another in Barcelona. Oh you get a wonderful taste of the country and the culture.

So you just dressed up and showed up? (Nods and smiles) I always go to weddings.

Hahaha. What are some of your other favorite travel memories in your life? I really liked Spain. Alhambra in Grenada was one of the prettiest things I’ve seen in my life! I also stayed in Saint Teresa’s house in Avila, Spain. I had a special birthday in Warsaw, Poland. I then went to Prague and Prague is heavenly! I love the art deco. Egypt was wonderful too— I went twice in my 60s and 70s, and I rode a camel in my 70s in the desert heading to the Pyramids. I also had a wonderful trip to Israel, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. And when I was in Hawaii I went to the Elvis Presley Blue Lagoon in Oahu and I snorkeled and it was so pretty. I saw all the pretty fish in the Blue Lagoon. You just don’t forget it. But Kenya is the best trip I’ve ever been on.

Why? Because it’s just like God created, nature in the raw. I did all safaris. It was just thrilling. We saw everything– the babies, the mothers, the herds, the migration. I went when I was in my 70s. I stayed in a treehouse and giraffes came into my window. They ring the bell when animals come. I sat in the treehouse and stayed up all night watching the animals. I watched all the animals mate (laughed). Oh and then there was Thailand!

Tell me about Thailand. Well my plane was delayed and I flew into Bangkok at 2 in the morning by myself. I was 80 years old at the time. And then I missed my tour! The darn plane was delayed and I spent the night on the floor on a mattress with a bunch of kids in the airport and I missed the first part of the tour. Eventually I slept a few hours and caught up with the tour. Then I rode an elephant and it was wonderful!  I just told the taxi driver to take me to the Shangri La!

Tell me about other wonderful experiences that have brought you joy. I always enjoy the shopping. Of course the shopping in Hong Kong is fun! We bought electronics there. I can’t even remember what kind. I went in ‘85. When we were in Switzerland we bought nice watches. In Nairobi I bought the tanzanite. I bought antique jewelry in Vienna for your mom when she graduated from medical school. I’ve bought coral. In Kenya I bought a lot of carvings. Let me tell you some more about Kenya. We had cocktail parties at the hippo pool.

That’s dangerous! I know, they said don’t get off the path! (Laughs)

Hahaha what are some of your favorite things you’ve shopped for on your travels that bring you joy? I love my paper cutouts from China, I’m just crazy about them. And you can’t beat Hermes scarves! I also love the sweater I got in Scotland. That sweater is so warm, it’s wonderful! It’s a neutral color.

I know you love to appreciate art when you travel, too. Oh I just love visiting artists’ homes! There’s nothing any prettier than Monet’s home in Giverny. I also went to Dali’s home and it was a hoot, it was the craziest thing you ever saw in your life! I went to Van Gogh’s home in Saint-Remy. I went to Frida Kahlos’s Blue House! One of my first trips was called Art in Paris and the girls from the Louvre showed us slides in the morning and then they took us to the museum to see the paintings that were on the slides that afternoon. None of them would wear glasses, you know it wasn’t fashionable at the time, and they put the slides upside down. The French women they saw my tennis shoes and had a fit, they had a fit! They said ohhhh, no French woman would EVER wear such tennis shoes.

Hahaha fashion makes me think of Italy! Speaking of, I remember hearing that when you were in Italy for my wedding, you got lost one night? Not lost! I was 91. I went for a walk by myself in Florence and it was so beautiful. I couldn’t sleep so I walked over to the Arno river! And before I left, I picked up a card in the hotel lobby so that people could eventually show me how to get back to the hotel.

Are there any places in the United States that you want to travel to? Idaho! I want to go see my granddaughter Caroline in Coeur d’Alene. You know, she bought an RV. When Caroline was stationed at Coeur d’Alene, there is a book of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die and Coeur d’Alene was in it!

Have you ever regretted a trip? I’ve regretted those I haven’t been on! I’ve never regretted one that I took.

You’re clearly so good at traveling. Do you have any travel tips to share? Just bring clothes that rinse out, that are easy to wash. The lighter you travel the better.

OK Boo, it’s now time for rapid-fire questions! What’s your favorite restaurant that you’ve ever been to? Le Soufflé in Paris. I just like the sweets and I like all the different kinds of soufflés. Now I love Station 6, Mr. B’s and Galatoires in New Orleans.

I know you love parades. What is your favorite parade in New Orleans? The Mardi Gras Rex parade. It’s the last one. It’s big. They make those floats all year long and they are gorgeous. The most dignified people are there saying “Throw me something, throw me something!” (laughs)

I’m reminded that when we were at Thanksgiving together you once wrote down that you were thankful for warm sweaters and parades. I wear that sweater all winter long– it’s just so warm!

Tell me about a memorable celebration you’ve had with loved ones. Oh, my kids gave me a 90th birthday party. We had a jazz band, a jazz brunch at Mr. B’s! One good friend of mine who is a professional photographer took the pictures and it was wonderful people. It was right after church. It brought friendships closer. Everyone that was invited had been so nice to me and I had owed them! It was one of those special moments. I don’t need a wake when I die– that party was the ultimate! (My mother then chimed in: “Momma said it would be a small party and every week she kept adding people to the list!”)

What are you most proud of? My family, my word! I just think the whole family is wonderful.

What advice do you have for my marriage? I want you to go to all these places. Everywhere I’ve been, I want you to go.

And what are you looking forward to in the years ahead? My family. I have 9 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

What do you like about seeing your great-grandchildren besides the fact that they’re perfect? Oh and smart, and beautiful.

Boo, can you remind me of your favorite quote that you shared at your 90th birthday party, from Coco Chanel? I am not young, but I feel young. The day I feel old I will go to bed and stay there. J’aime la vie! I feel that to live is a wonderful thing.

5 thoughts on “Elizabeth “Boo” McGough

  1. Beautifully written…what a life💜what a JOY! All of you are BLESSED beyond measure💜
    ~dana oxox

  2. Thank you for sharing this lovely writing! Liz just called–she is so proud of how beautifully you write!
    March 19 is Saint Joseph Day as well as Liz’s Birthday….it is pretty cold here to enjoy the annual Boubon Street St. Joseph Altar block party this evening, but I’m going to call her back in a couple of hours to see if she decides to go.

  3. I love this wonderful lady who I have known my whole life. I loved being her roomie on our Kenya trip! Having been so blessed to travel the world myself I agree Kenya was my favorite trip too! She has wonderful adult children which is a tribute to her.

  4. I adore Elizabeth! Thank you so much for posting. I enjoyed reading about her adventures. Elizabeth has been in my PW Bible study at SCAPC. Her joi de vivre is the best. (I’m a photographer- but not professionally! 😉)

    Kate Elkins

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